Warren Law Firm

Personal Injury Attorney in Chillicothe Ohio - contact for free consultation

Give Us a Call to Deal with your Jackson Ohio Car Accident

We’re sorry if you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident. We know you just want everything back the way it was. Attorney Michael Warren can work on your behalf to ensure that you and your family are fairly compensated for your pain and suffering, your current and future medical costs, and your current and future lost wages and earnings. Remember that the insurance company of the person who injured you works for its client, not you. They don’t get to decide what’s fair, you do. You need a Jackson Ohio car accident lawyer like Michael Warren on your side.

We know all you want to do is focus on your recovery. The sooner you have someone like attorney Michael Warren working for you, the better. An accident investigation requires information. It’s best to collect the details while witnesses’ memories remain fresh. It’s still possible to collect photographic evidence. Call us to set up a free consultation to determine if you have a case. Get yourself an experienced Jackson Ohio car accident lawyer.

Receive Fair Compensation from your Jackson Ohio Car Wreck

We’re sorry if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, and we wish you a quick recovery. While you recuperate, the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident will be working for their client to collect information and investigate the accident. You need someone working for your own interests to collect witness accounts, take photographs, and gather any other additional information that may be needed. Attorney Michael Warren has the experience you require, and he will explain your legal options during a free consultation. If you’ve been in a Jackson Ohio car wreck, please contact us.

After an accident, you may be facing more than just a car repair. There may be current and future medical bills, current and future lost wages, and other expenses or losses of income. To help assure that you receive what’s fair for your pain and suffering, your loss of income, and your medical costs, you need someone like attorney Michael Warren on your side. We are a contingency fee personal injury law firm, so our payments come from what we are able to collect on your behalf. If you’re dealing with a Jackson Ohio car wreck, give us a call and get us working for you.

Have You Been In a Car Wreck In Jackson, Ohio?

Accidents happen, even to the best of us. We take our eyes off the road to glance at a road sign or our kids in the back seat and WHAM! We’re in a fender-bender! If you’ve been in a car wreck in Jackson, Ohio, either the at-fault driver or the victim, we are the legal team for you. We will represent you through the entire process, either as plaintiff or defendant. There are two sides to every story, and we can represent you in either one to get the settlement you deserve and need or to avoid misplaced or mistaken liabilities.