Gabby's getting a handicapped accessible bathroom thanks for her settlement!

Warren Law Firm Wins Corporate Adult Services Center Lawsuit for Negligence

Disabled woman suffered physical and mental injuries when her attendant left her resulting in a terrible accident. Aaron McHenry and the team at Warren Law Firm relentlessly fought the parent company of the daycare center and their insurance company to get financial justice for the young woman and her mother.

Case Facts

Gabriella, a young woman with severe physical and intellectual disabilities and confined to a wheelchair was left in the care of a corporate adult day care center in Portsmouth. While on an outing on the banks of the Ohio River Gabriella was left unattended on a hill her attendant left her to assist another patient in their care. The wheels on Gabriella’s wheelchair were not locked and her wheelchair rolled down a hill they were on and violently crashed at the bottom of the embankment.

It is important to note that Gabriella is legally blind. She did not know what was happening as her uncontrolled wheelchair sped down the hill and catapulted her headfirst into the ground. Because of her physical limitations she was unable to break her fall.


Both Gabriella’s emotional and physical injuries were severe. She still suffers with nightmares, traumatic flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, interrupted sleep, and other post-traumatic behaviors. While she received extensive medical treatment after the fall, she will require ongoing treatment.

Corporate Denial Resulted in Lawsuit

Gabriella’s mother tried repeatedly to get the local adult day service to help defray medical bills. The requests were kicked up to the corporate headquarters who denied responsibility for their obvious negligence and refused to help the family. Any follow-up from Gabriella’s mom to address the issue was met with more denial, endless delays and runaround.

Exasperated, she contacted Warren Law firm to help her hold the company accountable. Lead lawyer, Aaron McHenry jumped into action. Within a week the corporate lawyers offered a $50,000 settlement. Aaron rejected the offer and pursued a lawsuit.

Lawsuit Outcome

Having rejected the offer of $50,000 the resulting settlement was substantially more. Unfortunately, the amount cannot be published because of a confidentiality agreement. Suffice it to say that the award left Gabriella and her family close to whole.

Gabriella’s mother was able to use a portion of the settlement to retrofit a bathroom into a handicapped accessible bathroom.