sunglasses in the sun

Ohio’s Summer Driving Dangers

Every trip on the road carries some inherent risk. In Ohio, dangers like speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence (DUI) are year-round threats. These reckless behaviors can lead to car accidents, vehicle accidents, or car wrecks, causing injuries or even fatalities. If you’ve been involved in a car crash and need legal help, a car accident lawyer or auto accident attorney can advise you of your options.

If you’re in Chillicothe, Jackson, Waverly, Portsmouth, or the surrounding areas, Southern Ohio Car Accident Lawyer Mike Warren can help.

Most Dangerous Months to Drive:

June, July, and August statistically see a spike in crashes in Ohio. This period coincides with the infamous “100 deadliest days” on American roadways, the stretch between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

The five most dangerous months to drive in Ohio (full table at bottom)

Rank Month Total people killed or injured after being involved in a fatal crash
1 August 1,088
2 July 1,068
3 September 1,019
4 June 989
5 October 962

Why Do These Months Rank So High?

Several factors contribute to the rise in crashes during summer:

* Increased Traffic Volume: Summer vacations and holidays lead to more cars on the road, raising the chances of accidents.
* Driver Fatigue: Longer trips can cause fatigue, leading to impaired judgment and slower reaction times.
* Teen Drivers on the Road: With summer break, teen drivers, who are statistically more at risk for crashes, are out in greater numbers.
* Impaired Driving: Holiday celebrations can unfortunately lead to an increase in DUI incidents, which can result in fatal accidents. If you’ve been injured in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, a car accident lawyer can help.

We asked our lead attorney Mike Warren for his thoughts on the increase of dangers on Ohio Roads in the summer, and he mentioned a few items to also be aware of.

“Lots of bad car accidents happen in construction zones, and Ohio is famous for only doing construction in the summer months” he explained. “That plus all the teenagers out of school learning to drive can cause an increased risk, as can having more daylight hours means more drivers on the roads.” 

Avoid Peak Driving Times in Ohio

funny construction zone imageSince summer is peak season for crashes, consider alternative travel times whenever possible. Travel outside peak hours: Early mornings or late evenings might offer lighter traffic flow. Weekdays vs. Weekends: Traffic congestion tends to be higher on weekends, so consider planning trips for weekdays if flexible.

Other Tips:

Here are some additional safety tips to keep in mind year-round, but especially during busy summer months:

* Always buckle up: Seat belts are your best defense in a crash.
* Put down distractions: Avoid using your phone, eating, or engaging in any activity that takes your eyes off the road.
* Adjust your speed: Drive according to weather conditions and road signs.
* Be aware of your surroundings: Watch out for motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
* Maintain your vehicle: Ensure your car is in good working order with properly inflated tires and functioning brakes.

Make a commitment to safe driving this summer. By following these tips and being a responsible driver, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road. If you are unfortunately involved in a car accident, remember a car accident lawyer or auto accident attorney can advise you on your legal rights. Here at Warren Law Firm, serving Chillicothe, Jackson, Waverly, Portsmouth, and surrounding areas, we can help.

Summer is a fantastic time to explore Ohio, but prioritizing safety is crucial. By adopting safe driving habits and planning your trips strategically, you can navigate the roads with confidence and enjoy all that the season offers.


* The research, from personal injury lawyers Bader Scott, analyzed five years’ worth of data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to determine which months saw the highest proportion of people killed or injured when involved in fatal crashes.

* Fatality and Injury Reporting System Tool (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) – with findings spanning 2017-2021. The data is filtered to show the proportion of people who were killed or suffered some form of injury after being involved in a fatal crash each month.

Full Ohio Table

Month Total people killed or injured after being involved in a fatal crash
January 734
February 596
March 792
April 667
May 846
June 989
July 1,068
August 1,088
September 1,019
October 962
November 879
December 782

Featured image by Herbert Goetsch